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Look at My Eyes! (2016)

Hi there
Before assembly
Eye anatomy?
3D Printed mouth
'Why do you keep looking at that smartphone?, we are having a dinner together!' 
'Look at My Eyes!' project is a impromptu fun project (Sarcastic social event project) motivated from my daily experience. You might have experienced this; you are with your friends. When you try to have some conversation, they started looking at their smartphone not you, and that makes you confused and distracted. Or you might be the one who keep watching your smartphone. As the smartphone has took large part of our daily time and so much interesting things are going on in that small device, having a good eye-contact during a meeting, dinner, party has become more difficult. So, I developed a wearable animatronic eye robot that you can put on your head. The eyes keep moving to make a eye-contact with a person in front of you. This robot will replace your role to make good eye-contact while meeting someone so that help you to keep looking at your smartphone instead of your people!
Idea Sketch

Robot Dynamics and Control - Final Project (2015)
: Peg-in a hole competition
[ME 446/ ECE 489] Prof.Andrew Alleyne/ Prof. Placid Ferreira/ Prof. Haw-Won Park
Lab sessions: Dr.Dan Block

Through the 5 Lab sessions of the Robot Dynamics and Control course during 2015 Fall semester, I have learned how control robot manipulator (CRS CataLyst-5) by implementing different control methods learned at lectures. This video shows one of the successful results that I was working on for the final project.
The tasks given for the final project was:
   1) Using a force control, make the end effector do peg-in a hole.
   2) By path planning and position control, avoid the obstacle.
   3) Go through the zigzag obstacle smoothly using with force control and path planning.
   4) Touch the egg but not crack it!
   5) Minimize joint torque while performing all the tasks. 
I made a website for summarizing what I have done (source-codes) for the 5 lab sessions with my team and explaining our method used for the final project, which was a fun robot control competition!

HARMA: Tactile Sensing Device (2013)

B.S in Mechanical Engineering- Senior Thesis at Yonsei University
During my senior year, I developed a new tactile sensing device which can detect the roughness of a surface using PVDF sensors and display information about it in real time. My motivation for this project was from the lack of haptic feedback during the interaction between humans, and human and robot. For example, when the robot gripper tries to hold some objects, it cannot feel the texture, elasticity of the object. Also, if we consider the telepresence robotics, when the user controls the robotic manipulator, there is a lack of haptic feedback from the manipulator that the user hardly can feel the object that the robot holds in a different place. Another example is that when we shop through on-line for buying a new cloth, we cannot feel how the texture of the cloth would be like.
I have acquired a patent for the device and won first prize from Korea Invention Promotion Association at the 2013 Intellectual Property summer course. This was the start of my interest in haptic interface, and biomimetic robotics. 
  • Creative Invention Award 2013, Bronze Prize, Korea Invention Promotion Association, Korea
  • The 2013 Intellectual Property Summer School, First Prize, Korea Invention Promotion Association, Korea
  • Kyung Yun Choi, Tactile Sensing Device, Application Serial No. 10-2013-0100106, Korea 
Idea Sketch: My inspiration for developing a mechanism came from the star-nosed mole (Condyluracristata), which explores its environment by touch using the tentacles on its peculiar nose.

Compliant Mechanism - Final Project (2016):
Multistable Compliant Joint Mechanism for
Solar Panel Array Deployment System
[GE 598] Prof. Girish Krishinan

I designed a multistable compliant joint that can be 3-D printed or laser cut. This mechanism has an advantage of reducing the components required for constructing a hinge or other revolute pin joint mechanism. I proposed my idea of multistable compliant joint mechanism for replacing the hinges of deployable solar panels in cube satellites which require high space efficiency. This mechanism has various stable states by having different buckling modes.
From designing, finite element analysis to prototyping, I developed an idea and evaluated its potential applications. 

Magnetic Levitation (2016)

This another fun project has started from my interests in developing a interface applied with magnet-related object; ferrofluid, solenoids, neodium magnets. Using these objects controlled by magnetic field has a potential for developing a levitating interface that can fully use the 3D space having less constraint of gravity. 
I used two hall effect sensors for feedback control. PID controler is implemented using with Arduino Uno. 
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